This project focuses on developing a complete framework of methodologies, tools and technologies (SINNO energy toolkit) that will assist the transition to clean energy by providing innovative and interoperable energy storage solutions and flexible power generation for accelerating decarbonization of industry, transport and geographical islands, while ensuring compatibility with flexibility market requirements.
Technical description and implementation
The project focuses on harvesting the flexibility potential of assets existing in different levels of the energy system, in order to provide flexibility services to operators through the utilization of innovative storage technologies. SINNOGENES will exploit the benefits that each innovative storage technology offers, to provide a portfolio of flexibility services encapsulating the following aspects:
In SINNOGENES participating 27 partners from Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Switzerland. It includes 6 demonstration sites in 5 different European countries. The proposed energy toolkit (SINNO) will be tested in different environments and demand sectors.

Storage INNOvations for Green ENErgy Systems
SINNO energy toolkit
SINNOGENES will have a serious impact in terms of economic, environmental and social benefits for European citizens, as well as for other stakeholders involved in the energy storage value chain (DSO, TSOs, LECs, etc.).
SINNOGENES partners will work towards a broader cooperation of energy carriers (heat, hydrogen, electricity) contributing to EU climate targets while the flexibility services provided through the project will support the penetration of RES in the grid resulting in a direct reduction of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, the innovative storage solutions proposed by SINNOGENES will support industrial consumers in reaching their environmental targets, it will offer easier access to self-consumption and will offer an easy and smooth integration and exchange of energy data for all types of stakeholders.
SINNOGENES work on innovative storage solutions will contribute to reducing their cost and enhancing their performance. Additionally, the technology stack will ensure interoperability among various storage solutions to facilitate the provision of flexibility services promoting SaaS business models.
SINNOGENES accelerates decarbonization of the EU electricity sector, contributing to the climate change mitigation targets set by the EU, by increasing the ability to efficiently utilize the flexibility of residential BESS, EVs, flywheels, ultracapacitors, power-to-heat and power-to-gas storage even at the edge of the distribution grid. The overall SINNOGENES technology package relieves the problems arising due to the stochastic nature of RES generation and enables the increase of the RES penetration rate in the EU energy mix. Consequently, the involved actors contribute towards the EU climate mitigation and adaptation goal, in line with the transition requirements for climate action highlighted by the Fit-for-55 package. Moreover, the SINNOGENES developed interfaces regarding the integration of hydrogen in existing electricity networks reduce natural gas consumption leading to lower CO2 emissions.

Market Transformation
SINNOGENES will promote storage flexibility in the market, it will reduce energy costs for market participants and allow reduced RES curtailment. As a result, economic benefits will arise for the different actors in the energy value chain. Moreover, it will allow energy communities to become active agents in the energy sector by providing, for instance, flexibility to the DSO, while the blockchain-based green origins will lower the entry barriers for market participants increasing market liquidity.

The new electricity market design does not contain provisions regarding the energy storage facilities. This however has not been considered as a complication for the development of storage in the Member States, except in the case of large-scale projects such as pumped hydro or the exploitation of natural reservoirs. Moreover, energy taxation is also not addressed by the new market design, except for the requirement for network charges to not include costs supporting unrelated policy objectives. However, in 2019 the discussion on energy taxation has been reopened, with a European Commission communication and the evaluation of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD). SINNOGENES will analyse the existing regulatory framework and disseminate the results of this analysis to the relevant policy makers providing feedback in the context of stakeholder consultation process.