SINNOGENES synergies

with other projects and clusters

What we’re doing

Collaborating with the following projects in shared information and dissemination activities, to promote the visibility and synergies amongst Horizon Europe-supported actions.

Community EU projects on innovative storage solutions

4 projects under the same cluster activities organizing common information and dissemination activities to increase the visibility and synergies between Horizon Europe-supported actions. Alongside with SINNOGENES, these projects focus on demonstrating innovative storage solutions and their successful integration into advanced energy systems and grid architectures. Meet them:

innovative Energy Storage TEchnologies TOwards increased Renewables integration and Efficient Operation


i-STENTORE will examine the integration of diverse storage solutions and their combinations. Innovative storage systems will be showcased and their co-operation with the integrated assets will be co-optimized, placing the reliability, the power quality, the cost-efficient operation and the maximization of the assets’ lifetime as end-goals.

Advanced Grid Interface for Innovative Storage Integration

AGISTIN will design advanced grid interface for energy storage solutions that minimise the impact of new, large demands on the grid and reduce costs for large grid users through innovative storage integration. The project will carry out two demonstrations and three test activities on renewable hydrogen electrolysis, irrigation pumping and fast electric vehicle charging.

2nd Life to Power Plants

In the 2LIPP project on the Energy Island of Bornholm, cutting-edge energy storage technologies and an innovative energy management system will be demonstrated side-by-side inside an operating combined heat and power plant. The purpose is to showcase a scalable, hybrid energy storage solution utilizing existing plant infrastructure, thereby achieving lower cost to deploy energy storage.

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Other synergy projects

Demonstrating hybrid microgrid innovations for greener, more resilient and more secure power networks

TIGON design a hybrid alternating and direct current microgrid system, one that is decentralised and close to valuable sources of renewable energy. Its technical, digital and business solutions are being developed at two demo sites located in France with emphasis on photovoltaics and in Spain with a focus on batteries.
Two use cases in the residential and urban railway sectors in Finland and Bulgaria act as niche markets to increase replication potential.
Liquid Renewable Energy Carriers From Captured Carbon Emissions

CAPTUS will demonstrate sustainable and cost-effective pathways to produce high-added value RECs in EIIs by valorizing industrial carbon emissions and integrating renewable electricity surplus.
THermal energy storage solUtions to optimally Manage BuildingS and Unlock their grid balancing and flexibility Potential


ThumbsUp aims to overcome the limitations of existing building-integrated technologies by increasing energy density and reducing the intensity factors of capital investment in this sector. The project will promote complementary digital innovations aimed at simulating, optimising and maximising the technical, operational and economic benefits of the proposed storage solutions.

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