energy Talk #3

Advancing Energy Resilience: The Critical Role of Battery Storage in Modern Grids

In the third of the energy talk series promoted by SINNOGENES, iSTENTORE, AGISTIN and 2LIPP, we will be exploring the battery technology for reliability of power supply.

In this talk to be hosted by the SINNOGENES project on the 26th of June at 11am (CET), we will be looking at different battery storage technologies that can be utilized to ensure seamless power grid operation.

To avoid blackouts or to enable a black start, it is useful for the power grid that parts of it can be disconnected (the so-called “islanding”). A battery makes this possible because it can both store energy so that the generation can meet the demand and offer the services which the system needs to run separately from the rest of the power grid (i.e., batteries can be used in microgrids). On the other hand, the aggregation of distributed renewable energy generation and batteries (acting as Virtual Power Plants) enables their participation in balancing, wholesale or flexibility markets. This means that small-scale flexibility resources which could otherwise not have participated can offer their flexibility to TSOs and DSOs. This solution (i.e., medium size batteries and aggregated small domestic batteries) consists of utilizing the fast and versatile nature of batteries to provide ancillary services to DSO and TSOs. The primary services are frequency balancing, voltage support and congestion management. It is also possible to address adequacy by adjusting charging and discharging to peak in an hourly perspective, so the demand curve is more stabilized.

Meet the speakers


Ariana Martins

 is an an Electrical Engineer specializing in Energy. With experience in energy companies such as EFACEC and Voltalia, she is currently working as an Innovation Developer at Capwatt. In addition to her professional role,she is an active member of Future Energy Leaders Portugal, a program that engages emerging leaders in shaping the future of the energy sector, supports the development of balanced national policy frameworks, and helps craft innovative energy solutions tailored to national and regional needs. She is also a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion in the energy sector, participating in Mulheres na Energia (portuguese for “Women in Energy”), an initiative dedicated to fostering greater female representation and leadership in the industry.

Andrey Shigaev 

 is a co-founder and the CEO of Geyser Batteries. Starting his career from a PhD in Physics, Andrey has gone a long way through technology transfer and venture capital roles to a leadership position in a major international infrastructure development project in Asia. Andrey then moved to high-tech entrepreneurship ultimately leading to the foundation of Geyser Batteries Oy. His passion always lies in unlocking the value through innovation, efficient execution and relentless pursuit of success of his team.

Francisco Arredondo

received his Ph.D. in Electrical, Electronics and Automation Engineering in 2019 from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), where he currently serves as an Assistant Professor. He has been an academic visitor at Wroclaw University of Technology in Poland and has received recognition for his excellent teaching results across all academic years. He is co-author of more than 10 papers in indexed journals and participated in various related research projects. His research interests include the power system stability, integration of renewable generation and energy storage systems in power grids, and mathematical optimization methods.

Meet the moderators

Magda Zafeiropoulou

is an an Electronic Engineer with an extensive experience in the fields of Software Engineering, Web Development and Digital Marketing. She was involved in many Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, and FP7 projects as Research Fellow. Her research interests are in the fields of software system reliability, digital marketing, information security and smart grids. She is currently the Dissemination and Communication leader in SINNOGENES project.

Nena Apostolidou

is an Electrical and Computer Engineer specialized in Power Systems. She received her PhD from the Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece, in 2021. She works as a research associate at UBITECH ENERGY. Her research interests include power electronics, renewable energy systems and electrical machines drives. Currently, she oversees the technical management of the SINNOGENES project.

More about the Energy Talks

SINNOGENES project has joined forces with the sister projects i-STENTORE, AGISTIN and 2LIPP to launch a monthly series of collaborative Energy Talks, poised to foster knowledge exchange and networking within the energy landscape. These Energy Talks will serve as hubs of innovation in the energy field, where participants can delve into pertinent topics, exchange best practices, and explore emerging trends.