IPTO actively participated in the 15th Electrical and Computer Engineering Student Conference (ECESCON2024), an annual Student Conference which this year was held in Xanthi, Greece, on April 19-21, 2024. Dr. Kyriaki-Nefeli Malamaki presented the insights gained in the framework of SINNOGENES project with respect to the Ikaria Demo Site, where a Hybrid Power Plant is located and in operation.

The presentation was mainly focused on the better exploitation of the Hydro-Pump Storage in the day ahead scheduling process as well as on new services that may arise with the interconnection of non-interconnected systems with the Greek mainland Transmission system. Specifically, since in the development plans of both the  Distribution Network Operator (HEDNO) and Transmission System Operator (IPTO), Ikaria will be interconnected with Samos and Samos with the mainland Transmission system, the following aspects will be examined: (1) the capacity to host RES on Ikaria and Samos  under different future demand scenarios and national decarbonisation targets, (2) the optimal utilization of the interconnection capacity and the integration of Samos with the other North Aegean islands and the Transmission System; considering the potential benefits from utilizing pumped storage in an effort towards decarbonization and secure supply of the interconnected islands.