SINNOGENES news and events
Developing the Storage INNOvations energy toolkit
To design, apply and demonstrate a toolkit that offers a complete approach in the management and assessment of energy storage technologies.
To suggest a series of energy storage technologies which can be combined into different system applications.
To reduce regulatory barriers while exploring market compliance requirements of energy storage technologies for supporting decarbonisation targets and flexibility services.
To develop and demonstrate data-driven digital applications, while ensuring data interoperability in the energy storage ecosystem in order to enable innovative storage technologies across the EU.
To identify, quantify, and evaluate the advantages of grid-connected energy storage from a technical, environmental and economic point of view.
To produce ways in order to the SINNOGENES technologies can be replicated by sites across Europe, perform an impact assessment study of the SINNOGENES energy toolkit compatibility in relation to EC modelling methods, and guarantee a solid dissemination strategy and a purposeful participation in the BRIDGE activities.

Integrate innovative energy storage systems
The European Commission’s Long-Term Strategy illustrates several ways in order to reach a decarbonisation level of over 80%. The European power system has to deal with the residual load variability, on all timescales: from frequency response to inter-year flexibility. The main solutions to provide flexibility are networks, demand-response, dispatchable and flexible power generation technologies, and mainly energy storage. The use of innovative technologies associated with energy storage is of primary importance for the clean energy transition. Sustainability and circular economy approach for storage innovations will minimize the environmental impact.